Sunrises et al.
It’s back to the forest for me, this is not a big surprise to those that know me or my running friends who see me exploring the forest all the time. A friend asked me recently - how much of the forest do I know - I said confidently “99% haha” At least certainly the trails and roads - there are not many that I have not ventured down. 
I’m consistently looking for new trails - either whiles in the forest itself, or by using apps such as TrailForks or by looking at other forest dwellers who have found new trails. I found one recently which hadn’t been completed, finding myself bush bashing a little! It is super fun. It is sense of adventure being so close to home, and discovering more parts of the forest, and also more photo spots. 
I’ve been wanting to get in the forest for some sunrises as well, it’s a process of getting up early, getting to a specific spot in the forest, hoping the conditions will be right, the light will be great and hoping you can still know how to take a photo. But the rewards are worth it when it comes off. A few photos from one of the sunrises below.


Look through

Layers in BnW

Fog and valleys

That colour before sunrise

Rays of goodness

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